Monday, April 22, 2013

What is Success

A thought crossed across my mind. What is success? I pondered on the thought for a while. I was concluding that it is very subjective. But as I probed further on, the following chain of thoughts helped me arrive at an answer(at this point of time).

Success is in fact subjective, as it is about how YOU can achieve the maximum potential. The question here is what does achieving your maximum potential means? It would mean that all your positive energies are being expended towards creating a positive result. It does not mean that there will be complete peace and harmony in your mind and life, but it would mean that you are willing to push further, learn more, put in more and as a result, the outcome is perceptibly large or has the potential to be so. "Life is so short" - this is what it would like when you are realizing your complete potential.

There are days of drudgery and downs but you have overcome that now, you have progressed over the learning curve and broken the barriers of mediocrity. It does not mean you had the clear picture of where you are going and you din't have doubts about the certainty of the dream coming true. It means you were confused, you were doubtful, there was chaos, it was difficult, it was painful, it was changing you substantially all the time, it was uncomfortable but you kept moving, kept pushing forward, tried to make things happen, got frustrated yet tried harder, directed all your anger towards one thing.. Success.. success as you see it.

The taste of success! It will be sweet. You will know it when you have it. It will be a habit that will never die. But the downturn can be equally dramatic. The fact that you are successful but that does not absolve you of your weaknesses, you have to take good care of yourself, your time, mind and body to stay at the top. To succeed continually.

Success is not an event, its a mindset ,its a journey, a process which translates into failure quickly if the process, the journey is stopped.

The higher the success, the lower the failure, the longer the fall the harder the hit. You have to stay at it. Forever. Commit to it beyond life. Beyond yourself.

It will grow larger than you. It will change the world, atleast the world around you.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, nicely written. At a time when you were more innocent and yet wiser than even now.
